On the phone, Samantha Power and Hillary Clinton, mistresses to the Koch Brothers, agree they need the ‘Secret Team’ to finish off Barack Obama’s rival legacy as a ‘strong-arm’ rapist of nations. Hillary’s concern is her best efforts, in Libya and Syria, will be outdone by Obama, using his position of power to coerce bombs dropped on ISIL from the Christian Taliban at the Pentagon, generating literal Armageddon. Hillary is desperate her opportunity as next POTUS must be a stronger show of ‘national security’ than anything Obama can muster. The plan is sabotage by arranging to ghost write Obama’s speech on ISIL and slip it through into the White House teleprompter-
Hillary: We have to move fast, get our people on it, let’s pull together a ‘Secret Team‘ insurgent-attack! I want a Coup de Grace!!
Sam: Our people are already on it. The ‘Secret Team’ is the best in the business, the five million fee upfront is practically nothing ..Ted Nugent is enroute, we have a 13 year old willing to ‘swing’ on the Gulf Stream…
^ Nugent & ‘friends’ in a nutshell
…he’ll be picking up Ralph Reed for a ‘threesome’
Hillary: Karl Rove?
^ Rove plotting strategy
Sam: Rove will travel posing as a male nurse ‘supervising’ Rush Limbaugh, we’ve laid in a supply of French Ticklers and Preparation H, should be no problem, we’ve been promised a top end product for a nationally broadcast speech by Obama on this evening news, we can get together with David & Charles and catch it on TV over dinner.
^ Limbaugh arrest record
Hillary: Excellent…
The Secret Team meets in emergency session
Nugent: Where’s Snerdley, sorry, where’s Limbaugh?
Rove: Passed out in the jet on the tarmac, his rectum was bleeding and he found OxyContin in the plane’s emergency medical kit .. We can’t wait for him, we have to hammer an Obama speech in the ass .. let’s pull this hit together, time to get with it! Ralph, what have you got?
Reed: Doug Coe has put together a positive scriptural basis for Obama’s geopolitics, I mean who other than Coe would have the balls to advocate for mass murder & fucking children, with a secret lobby in DC, based on sound biblical principles, and pull it off? What a genius! We should keep it short because of the sheer numbers of CIA bought reporters will be stepping forward with critical ink, this effort should reinforce Obama being a total loser, we need to keep them all on the same page-
CIA pedophile G.H.W.B. (L) with Clinton guru Coe (R)
Rove: Ted?
Nugent: We’ve got a fax from Clarence Thomas saying not to be afraid of using ‘nigger’ AT ALL..
^ job description
…in the case of writing an speech for Obama he suggests we adapt it to Eminem’s style…
Rove: Great! We’ll create a speech that is a rip-off of Jesse Jackson put to rap, he’ll buy it because it’ll come across with his image of ‘cool’, quick, get Eminem on the phone…
^ role model
Obama makes his televised speech
Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening and thank you…[applause stops]
^ our man in DC
Concerning the current hysteria about ‘Islamic State in Iraq & Levant’, and those critics who’d have you believe my creating ISIS with the efforts to overthrow Assad now sticks me with crushing ISIL and sacrificing the lives of our brave troops on behalf of my generals, only serves a crusader image and profits the military-industrial sector; now, I will point out a few salient facts:
First of all, I’ve never lied to you or broken a campaign promise, so you can trust me!
And that’s because;
I’m the Kock-suckers brother, by another mother-fucker…
…and y’all know the Kock brothers are not only patriots but TOTALLY into non-violence, peace & love…
…and tonight I wish to assure you all, our nation’s broad spectrum of Christian denominations support the Pentagon’s multiple strong-arm rapes of other nations, because we all read from the same Bible and…
…Scripturalitee is full of notariatee for boner’riotee.. ..and you see…
…when a ‘conservative’ nigger fucks around, that’s Onan’s undesirable ‘infidelitee’
But my own fucking around is comparable to Hosea’s wife and Biblically commendable ‘promiscu-alitee’!
Thank you and AMEN! No, no questions, that’s all folks!!
[Obama rapidly leaves the podium looking a bit puzzled at what he’d just said]
The Koch Brothers watching (with their ho’s)
^ DC swimming pool
David: Wow! A nigger like this nigger will kill ‘brothers’ for us .. that’s scriptural … let’s get him refocused on Africa!
Sam: The trick is, Obama, like Susan Rice…
^ What! You think I poisoned someone?!
…they don’t realize they’re ‘our niggers’ .. they’re SO fucking dumb… we own them and we’ll OWN Africa!! YES!!! [maniacal eyes popping out]
^ Sam Power visits Central African Republic
Hillary: He looks high like Marion Barry, wait until he figures it out … he’ll be saying “Bitch set me up . . . . I shouldn’t have come up here . . . goddamn bitch” [laughing to tears]
Fly on wall: Real Black people wouldn’t put up with this kind of shit
David: Did you say something?
Charles: I was about to say, what if this pig don’t fly?
Hillary: We’ll have our chances with his two remaining years…
Our man in the ‘White House’…
… and don’t forget WE STILL OWN the ‘uppity nigger’
…compares well to Idi Amin
Sam: Right…
The Secret Team watching
Rove: I wish that was my nigger!
Nugent: Man, that’s a good nigger!!
Reed: A real, proper nigger…
Limbaugh: What’s happening? Did I miss something??
The Reality Fairy: Just follow the money and you’ll know about all you need to know, whether you’re impoverished Black, downwardly mobile White or anyone whose circumstance is approaching poverty regardless of race, the bottom line is, these people, none of them, give a rat’s ass about you, because they’re all hypocritical, in one way or another prejudiced, backstabbing & evil, and they’re all the same, whether White, Black, liberal or conservative, many of them are closet racists, they include Blacks that aspire to be privileged Whites, they’re all greedy, narcissistic & vain, they all screw each other behind closed doors, either figuratively or literally, they’ll all tell you what they think you want to hear; tell any lie regardless of their intentions, and above all, they’re all power hungry, they’re all killers and left to their devices, they’ll get us all killed-
This satire might seem completely out of bounds at first glance, and yet it points to realities the hypocrisy of western culture refuses to allow out in the open. When The USA’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, complained in regards to race relations…
“We know, by ‘American instinct’ and by learned behavior, that certain subjects are off limits and that to explore them risks, at best embarrassment, and, at worst, the questioning of one’s character”
…from a position of power in an administration that is currently raping the nations of Africa for corporate profiteering with inviting known killers to a Africa focused business summit in Washington..
“Obama welcomes Congolese strongman to the US and gives him dinner at the White House although he presides over the ‘rape capital of the world’ and ran a ‘child army’ during 1990s genocide
“Joseph Kabila ran a ‘child army’ of conscripted boys as young as 10 for his father, then a Rwandan rebel who later took over the Congo
“Public health experts estimate 48 women are raped in the Congo every hour; Obama’s summit won’t focus on human rights issues
“He’s accused of ordering the death of his country’s most visible human rights leader
“A U.S. diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks exposed Kabila’s alleged plot to force a rival out of his role as parliamentary speaker by bribing his allies with $200,000 each to abandon him
“A British Labour MP published evidence that Kabila looted at least $5.5 billion from his country, steering the funds to a billionaire friend through Virgin Islands shell companies”
…recalling these succinct facts on profiting from chaos and mass death in Congo:
…as Obama has ignored Black (and all of) America’s need for economic renewal, it would seem inevitable someone would point out an American phenomenal hypocrisy previously noted in relation to Colin Powell:
“There’s an old saying,”In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and there were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master … exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him.
“It is my personal feeling that plantations exist all over America. If you walk into South Central Los Angeles, into Watts, or you walk into Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, you’ll find people who live lives that are as degrading as anything that slavery had ever produced. They live in economic oppression, they live in a disenfranchised way. In the hearts and minds of those people, and millions of others, you’re always looking for hope, and whenever somebody within our tribe, within our group, emerges that has the position of authority and power to make a difference in the way business is done, our expectations run high. Many times, those expectations are not fulfilled. But when such an individual is in the service of those who not only perpetuate the oppression, but sometimes design the way in which it is applied, it then becomes very, very, very, very critical that we raise our voices and be heard” -Harry Belafonte
But it isn’t just Colin Powell, who refused to stand up to Bush and instead as much as said ‘yes, massa’ when he followed instruction and lied through his teeth to the world while presenting evidence about Iraq he knew was false to the United Nations, it’s also Clarence Thomas, it’s Herman Cain, it’s Condoleezza Rice, it’s Allen West and oh yes, it’s certainly Susan Rice & Eric Holder and it’s very much Barack Obama.
In fact, prominent Black intellectuals have been begging the Obama administration for social justice and there is no relief in sight… for Africa particularly, or for that fact, America either:
“Listen, I know Father’s Day is coming, but for once, I’d appreciate it if Obama would stop trying to be the Daddy of Black America and behave as the President of the United States of America. I wish he would stop trying to be the daddy some black men never had and be the president they never had. What they need is an advocate in the White House, not someone to pat them on the head. This is about policy, something over which Obama has some control, or at least he should, not just fatherhood”
Huh. “What they need is an advocate in the White House, not someone to pat them on the head” sounds like Obama is become a condescending ‘massa’ and learnt his ‘Southern White Mansion’ lessons quite well-
Insofar as current Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice…
“According to financial disclosure documents filed in May, Ms. Rice and her family own from $300,000 to $600,000 worth of stock in the Canadian pipeline company”
…she nicely aligns with:
“The biggest foreign lease holder in Canada’s oil sands isn’t Exxon Mobil or Chevron. It’s the Koch brothers”
Brought to you by the ‘Free Speech Clown’